Thursday, January 13, 2011

Breastfeeding Blog Hop

I do realize that all I've been posting lately are blog hops lol. It's the first week of school, and I don't have much to talk about just yet. E and I have been trying out cloth diapers, so some posts on that will come soon, but as for now... well, here's another blog hop. Sorry!

I just had to participate in this one that Jen over at Life with Levi started. She's a fellow exclusively pumping mama, which is crazy because it seems we're few and far between!

If you're new to my blog, check out my "About" and "Breastfeeding" tabs. I'm a 24 year old single mama to E, who is 17 months, and I've been exclusively pumping for him since day one (he was a preemie). I'm sad that we've lost out on that special nursing relationship, but so proud that I've been able to provide him with 17 months of breast milk, even if it does come through a bottle!


  1. Followed you here from the Breastfeeding Blog Hop (and thank you for helping me realize today that I had the wrong blog link in my Twitter profile! EEK!)

    17 months of exclusive pumping...wish I could give you a big, huge roll of gold stars! Seriously amazing!

  2. I follow you on Twitter (@playersnamed) but not your blog- funny how that happens! You Moms who exclusively pump totally rock!

  3. Hey I haven't been to your blog in a while because I read it in Google Reader, but I wanted to tell you I love the new look! xoxo

  4. Hi, Nicole. Stopping in from the hop. I'm also impressed with 17 months of EP! Lucky baby :).

  5. Hi! Stopping by from the breastfeeding blog hop! 17 months of EPing! WOW!
