Tuesday, August 3, 2010

No Go BlogHer Questions!


I'm still a blogging newbie, so I'm obviously not going to BlogHer. Actually, I just recently figured out what it was in the first place. And now that I know, I'm oh so very jealous of all of those wonderful bloggers who get to go and meet all the other wonderful bloggers *gasp* in real life! I can't even fathom it.

So here I sit, behind my computer screen still, and I'm psyched to be participating in the No-Go BlogHer Blog Hop! So here are my answers to the questions: 

When did you start blogging?
I believe I started Haute Single Mama in October of 2009. I had a couple of blogs before that that I didn't really keep up on, and they fizzled out. This one was the lucky one that stuck, though!

Why did you start blogging?
Definitely as an outlet for myself. I haven't written in an actual diary since I was 14 (long story) and I knew it would really help me to sort out everything I have been through to write about it. Plus, @KatiesPickles kept bugging me to start one. 

What is one thing you are going to do this week that is WAY cooler than going to BlogHer?
I already did something awesome this week that was WAY cooler than BlogHer - I celebrated E's first birthday! I don't have the pics uploaded yet, but I will soon. I promise. 

Share a post that you think says a lot about you or is your favorite.  (share the link in YOUR post so we all can see)

This is lame, because this was my last post before this one, but I love the post where I put my year of exclusively pumping breast milk into quantifiable terms.  I think it says a lot about me, just because I am so totally impressed with myself for actually making it to a year. There were so many days that I didn't think that I would, and my mind is still basically blown that I did. Seriously, this is just one of the many, many things that I'm doing that if you had asked me a year ago, I would have said "I could never do that!" As difficult as the past couple of years have been, I am so much stronger for it. And pumping is a prime example of that. 


  1. Following you back...thanks for stopping by! I was lucky...I could breasfeed most of the time (except at work) and made it 10 months with the first and 11 months with the second! It is definitely something to be proud of!

  2. Well thank you so much for your lovely compliment to my daughter! I just became your newest follower :)
    Also congrats on a year of pumping, that is quite an accomplishment. Are you going to continue now that your son is a year? I noticed that he was a preemie..my daughter was not quite preemie (36 weeks) but she had a severe infection when she was a newborn, and so I can relate to the ICU stay, breathing and feeding tubes, and all that goes along with it.

    What products do you have lined up for review? Looking forward to seeing what you have coming up on the blog! Now off to poke around some of your older posts!

  3. i had to laugh at your comment on my blog. i always get so excited when i see marfan on the medical shows! and happy birthday to e! what did you guys do to celebrate?

  4. I'm so proud of how far you've come and how much you have grown! I value our friendship and am awed by your dedication to E. Keep up the good work!

  5. Congrats on making it a year of bf! I was only able to get to 4 mos with my son, but I have high hopes for this pregnancy - your newest follower from acting balanced :)

  6. Happy birthday to your little one. I mad it a year too. I loved nursing.

  7. Congrats on making it through the first year! Now keep on going!!!

    Stopping by from the No-Go BlogHer hop.

  8. I'm glad I found your blog too!! Your birth stories are so touching and I can't believe how young you are to have gone through all that. Amazingly strong.

    Nursing is wonderful -- so glad you've made it. Happy b-day little one!

  9. one year birthday is way better than blogher!!! happy bday and yay for making it a year pumping. i hate pumping, so you are strong, girl!

  10. Awww, celebrating one year birthday is so way better than any BlogHer event! Happy birthday!! I hated pumping..HATED IT! It hurt... hurt hurt hurt. I'm amazed that you've done it for so long.

  11. Happy 1st B-day E!!!
    I'm a new follower of your blog thanks to No-Go Blogher Blog Hop.
    Hope you have a fabulous week.
    Tiffany C.

  12. Popping by from the No-Go BlogHer Blog Hop! Great blog and a great story! YES, first Birthdays are wwayyy more important ;)

  13. Wow! That pumping post is pretty awesome to think about! You are such a trooper for sticking with it that long. Its amazing what we do for our babies, isn't it?

    "Welcome" to the blogging world (even though you have been here for a bit)! Its definitely a great outlet and it has helped me keep records of both of my pregnancies and my babies growing up.

    (Here and following from the No- Go hop!)

  14. Kudos to you for sticking with the pumping for so long. Those are some crazy figures, you lost 56 lbs? Congrats, girl! Glad to have found your blog. Thanks for stopping by mine! And a happy belated birthday to baby E. Maybe we'll get a chance to meet at BlogHer '11?

  15. Love the blog and getting the story of being a single momma out there because I think that is important! Congrats on making it a year and still maintaining your sanity! I'm your newest and 70th follower! Stop by and say hello! http://nicolesspirit878.blogspot.com/

  16. 1st birthday, they grow up too quick.

  17. OH! First Birthday! How fun is that! I'm a newbie too... and randomly found this Blog Hop! lol Great finding you... have fun this weekend! :)

  18. Hi New follower from NO GO BLOGHER - actually i found you first while twitter hopping.

  19. Happy First Birthday to your little one! They are the best and come up so quickly! I'm stopping by from the blog hop! I'm your new follower!

  20. Happy birthday to your son. I found you through the blog hop. Celebrating your son's bday is way better than going to New York.

  21. Happy first birthday to your little one! My son turns 2 this weekend - it seems like there are a lot of birthdays this week. Great meeting you through NGBH!!

  22. I am a new follower
    Its good to meet you!

  23. you know what you can look forward to this week?
    posting the birthday party pics! yay!

  24. Hi there!

    I'm a single moma too. My boys are 11 & 13 years old. We live in Spain so no chance of me ever going to the BlogHer event. Oh well, hanging out with other great momas is great fun too. :-D

    Have a great weekend!

  25. Thanks so much for the follow. I'm new to blogging as well. I heard that next year it is San Diego! I'm hoping to get some sponsors so I can make it.

  26. Happy Birthday to your little E and congratulations on the one year of pumping. I know breastfeeding, especially when you're pumping as well, has to be a one day at a time task. I have four children and I made it a year with one. Too stressed out with the last one and going through a divorce and the second one I got pregnant with the third when he was just 5 months old. Nursing and pregnancy didn't mix well for me.

    An-t-way, I love the name of your blog and I'm glad I dropped by from No-Go. I'm going to follow you and I hope you'll be able to follow me too. :-)

    Have a great weekend.

  27. Happy Birthday to E! I started my blog Oct. 2009 too. Lol! I loved your post! :) Glad I found you on the No-Go BlogHer hop! Have a great night!

  28. Followed your blog, username Rajee I am your new follower. Would love if you follow my blog, http://momsfocusonline.com from No-Go BlogHer Blog Hop - http://b2l.me/afrf9c

    Ending Soon -8 Giveaways end on Aug 7 & Aug 8 at Midnight Pacific Time, 2010 - http://b2l.me/afmrhr
